Sunday, April 9, 2017

Teaching the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

Studying the formation of Israel and the ensuing Israeli Palestinian Conflict?

It's hard to find clips about the conflict that are completely void of bias. TestTube's short four minute clip below probably comes closest.

Nonetheless, I like the thirty-two minute documentary produced by the American Task Force on Palestine in 2005 and the ten minute clip developed by Max Fisher and Johnny Harris for Vox.

The American Task Force divides its film into two fifteen minute parts. Two young hosts outline the history of the conflict in the first part and break that history down so that it's understandable to both younger and older students.

The hosts outline a solution, two states, in the second fifteen minutes.

I showed it to my students and stopped it numerous times to answer and discuss questions.

The second clip from Vox also does a good job outlining the history of the conflict and argues that the status-quo today is not sustainable for the Palestinians.

Finally, I showed students a short clip about growing jewish settlements on the West Bank from PBS Newshour last week. I wanted students to understand the relevance of the issue.

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