Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Why do Sikhs Need Television Commercials

Sikhs are often mistaken for Muslims and persecuted because of that. In 2012, a white racist shot six people at a Sikh gurdwara (temple) in Oak Creek, Wisconsin. And, in March, a Sikh man was shot outside his home.

Now, according to this story from NPR, a Sikh advocacy group has put together a commercial campaign to educate Americans about Sikhs and their faith.

I might show the commercial to my religion elective class and let them listen to the NPR story. We studied Sikhism briefly last fall and this might remind them of the bigotry that still exists.

Sikhism is a young religion, founded in India in the 1500's by Guru Nankak. It is monotheistic and its teachings stress hard work, service, equality, and generosity. There are about 20 million Sikhs and they can be distinguished by the turbans that Sikh men wear.

The turbans signify the equality of all believers and their public commitment to maintain the values and ethics of their belief.

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